Jupyter Lab is only at version 0.32 at the time of writing, but it is already very promising. It is like a small IDE running in your web browser. It allows to conveniently edit and run files on a remote server. We tested Jupyter Lab on a connection with high latency (>300ms) and using the text editor, notebooks or the file manager was easy and reactive. Only the terminal was suffering from some lag, but at a level that was still bearable.
We are going to see now how to remotely connect to a server running Jupyter Lab.

In the following, we assume that you are already able to connect via ssh to your server.

Step-by-step instructions: the long way

1. Connect to your server

On local computer:


2. Activate your virtual environment

This step is only necessary if Jupyter is installed inside a virtual environment. Anaconda makes installing Jupyter Lab very easy and helps to keep a clean environment. We therefore use an Anaconda environment that is activated the following way on the remote server:

conda activate $CONDAENV

3. Start Jupyter Lab

On remote server:

jupyter lab --port=$JSPORT --no-browser &

An url is displayed to login with a token, we will use it at step 5.

4. Redirect the Jupyter server port to a local port

On local computer:

ssh -N -f -L $JLPORT:localhost:$JSPORT $USER@$SERVER -p $SSHPORT

5. Open in browser

Copy-paste the link provided at step 3 into your browser, and change the port to JLPORT.

A way shorter version

Use the same Jupyter port on both server and local machine. The JUPYTER variable represents the path to your jupyter binary. In case of using a miniconda environment, it is ~/miniconda3/envs/CONDAENV/bin/jupyter.
Type the following command to start jupyter lab and forward the ports at the same time:

ssh -L $JPORT:localhost:$JPORT $USER@$SERVER -p $SSHPORT $JUPYTER lab --no-browser --port $JPORT

Then just click on the displayed url to login with a token.