In Part 4 of this introduction, we saw that the performance of our convolution kernel is limited by memory bandwidth. We are going to see how to improve performance by using shared memory.

Shared memory is a memory that can be accessed by all the threads of a same block. Shared memory is way faster than global memory, but is also way smaller. The size varies depending on the device. For example, the default total amount of shared memory per block on a gtx 1070 is 48kB.

In Numba, we create a shared array thanks to cuda.shared.array(shape, dtype).

Adding shared arrays to our convolution kernel

In our previous kernel, the threads of each block access many times the same pixels of the image. To improve performance, we are going to save into shared memory the area of the image accessed by each block.

We continue to use a 13x13 mask and 2D blocks of dimensions (32, 32). As previously, we want each thread to compute the convolution at a given point. This means that each block computes 32x32 points of the convolution. To compute the result for an area of size 32x32, the mask being 13x13, we need to use a 44x44 image. Each block will therefore store in shared memory 44x44 values.

Furthermore, since the mask is also used by each thread of the block, we also store its values in shared memory.

Below is a modification of the previous code with shared arrays added. Note that:

with open('', 'r') as f:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numba import cuda, float32
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve as scipy_convolve

# We use a mask of 13x13 pixels:
mask_rows, mask_cols = 13, 13
mask_size = mask_rows * mask_cols
delta_rows = mask_rows // 2
delta_cols = mask_cols // 2

# We use blocks of 32x32 pixels:
blockdim = (32, 32)

# We use an image of size:
image_rows, image_cols = 200, 200

# We compute grid dimensions big enough to cover the whole image:
griddim = (image_rows // blockdim[0] + 1,
           image_cols // blockdim[1] + 1)

# We want to keep in shared memory a part of the image of shape:
shared_image_rows = blockdim[0] + mask_rows - 1
shared_image_cols = blockdim[1] + mask_cols - 1
shared_image_size = shared_image_rows * shared_image_cols

def smem_convolve(result, mask, image):
    # expects a 2D grid and 2D blocks,
    # a mask with odd numbers of rows and columns,
    # a grayscale image

    # 2D coordinates of the current thread:
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)

    # Create shared arrays
    shared_image = cuda.shared.array(shared_image_size, float32)
    shared_mask = cuda.shared.array(mask_size, float32)

    # Fill shared mask
    if (cuda.threadIdx.x < mask_rows) and (cuda.threadIdx.y < mask_cols):
        shared_mask[cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.threadIdx.y * mask_rows] = mask[cuda.threadIdx.x, cuda.threadIdx.y]

    # Fill shared image
    # Each thread fills four cells of the array
    row_corner = cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.blockIdx.x - delta_rows
    col_corner = cuda.blockDim.y * cuda.blockIdx.y - delta_cols
    even_idx_x = 2 * cuda.threadIdx.x
    even_idx_y = 2 * cuda.threadIdx.y
    odd_idx_x = even_idx_x + 1
    odd_idx_y = even_idx_y + 1
    for idx_x in (even_idx_x, odd_idx_x):
        if idx_x < shared_image_rows:
            for idx_y in (even_idx_y, odd_idx_y):
                if idx_y < shared_image_cols:
                    point = (row_corner + idx_x, col_corner + idx_y)
                    if (point[0] >= 0) and (point[1] >= 0) and (point[0] < image_rows) and (point[1] < image_cols):
                        shared_image[idx_x + idx_y * shared_image_rows] = image[point]
                        shared_image[idx_x + idx_y * shared_image_rows] = float32(0)

    # The result at coordinates (i, j) is equal to
    # sum_{k, l} mask[k, l] * image[threadIdx.x - k + 2 * delta_rows,
    #                               threadIdx.y - l + 2 * delta_cols]
    # with k and l going through the whole mask array:
    s = float32(0)
    for k in range(mask_rows):
        for l in range(mask_cols):
            i_k = cuda.threadIdx.x - k + mask_rows - 1
            j_l = cuda.threadIdx.y - l + mask_cols - 1
            s += shared_mask[k + l * mask_rows] * shared_image[i_k + j_l * shared_image_rows]

    if (i < image_rows) and (j < image_cols):
        result[i, j] = s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read image
    full_image = rgb2gray( / 255
    image = full_image[150:150 + image_rows, 200:200 + image_cols].copy()

    # We preallocate the result array:
    result = np.empty_like(image)

    # We choose a random mask:
    mask = np.random.rand(mask_rows, mask_cols).astype(np.float32)
    mask /= mask.sum()  # We normalize the mask

    # We apply our convolution to our image:
    smem_convolve[griddim, blockdim](result, mask, image)

    # We check that the error with respect to Scipy convolve function is small:
    scipy_result = scipy_convolve(image, mask, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    max_rel_error = np.max(np.abs(result - scipy_result) / np.abs(scipy_result))
    if  max_rel_error > 1e-5:
        raise AssertionError('Maximum relative error w.r.t Scipy convolve is too large: ' 
                             + max_rel_error)

Let’s do a quick profiling:

!nvprof python
==3608== NVPROF is profiling process 3608, command: python
==3608== Profiling application: python
==3608== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   43.55%  41.888us         1  41.888us  41.888us  41.888us  cudapy::__main__::smem_convolve$241(Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>)
                   29.01%  27.904us         3  9.3010us     704ns  13.600us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
                   27.45%  26.401us         3  8.8000us     704ns  12.865us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   98.36%  115.09ms         1  115.09ms  115.09ms  115.09ms  cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
                    0.51%  594.06us         1  594.06us  594.06us  594.06us  cuLinkCreate
                    0.29%  340.61us         3  113.54us  11.153us  203.77us  cuMemAlloc
                    0.17%  200.77us         1  200.77us  200.77us  200.77us  cuLinkAddData
                    0.17%  199.35us         1  199.35us  199.35us  199.35us  cuModuleLoadDataEx
                    0.13%  146.68us         1  146.68us  146.68us  146.68us  cuLinkComplete
                    0.11%  130.99us         1  130.99us  130.99us  130.99us  cuMemGetInfo
                    0.10%  114.20us         3  38.067us  22.703us  50.884us  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.08%  87.873us         3  29.291us  13.504us  40.347us  cuMemcpyHtoD
                    0.06%  67.413us         1  67.413us  67.413us  67.413us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.02%  25.491us         1  25.491us  25.491us  25.491us  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  3.3510us         5     670ns     443ns  1.1910us  cuFuncGetAttribute
                    0.00%  2.8930us         3     964ns     364ns  1.6320us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%  2.3550us         1  2.3550us  2.3550us  2.3550us  cuCtxPushCurrent
                    0.00%  1.6580us         1  1.6580us  1.6580us  1.6580us  cuModuleGetFunction
                    0.00%  1.5570us         2     778ns     664ns     893ns  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  1.2490us         3     416ns     379ns     479ns  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.00%     820ns         1     820ns     820ns     820ns  cuLinkDestroy
                    0.00%     781ns         1     781ns     781ns     781ns  cuDeviceComputeCapability

This version runs in 40us while the previous version without use of shared memory was running in 420us. Using shared memory improved the speed by \(10\times\). That’s a big improvement!

!nvprof --quiet --export-profile python
!nvprof --quiet --metrics all --events all -o python

Using dynamic allocation

We saw previously how to allocate shared memory. However, our code uses global variables to define the size of each shared arrays. It is possible to have a more flexible code by dynamically allocating the shared memory.

Dynamic allocation of the shared memory is done by setting the shape to 0 in cuda.shared.array. The size of the shared array is then define when calling the kernel:

kernel[griddim, blockdim, stream, shared_memory_size](arguments)

Note that the kernel has to be linked to a stream. A value of 0 is the default stream.

Only one array can be dynamically allocated. In the case of our convolution kernel, we therefore use this array to contain both the mask as well as the shared part of the image.

Below is a version that uses dynamic allocation:

with open('', 'r') as f:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numba import cuda, float32
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve as scipy_convolve

def smem_convolve(result, mask, image):
    # expects a 2D grid and 2D blocks,
    # a mask with odd numbers of rows and columns,
    # a grayscale image

    # 2D coordinates of the current thread:
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)

    # Number of rows and columns of the image
    image_rows, image_cols = image.shape

    # To compute the result at coordinates (i, j), we need to use delta_rows
    # rows of the image before and after the i_th row, as well as delta_cols
    # columns of the image before and after the j_th column:
    delta_rows = mask.shape[0] // 2
    delta_cols = mask.shape[1] // 2

    # The width and height of the image we want to keep in shared memory
    # can be computed as follow:
    width = cuda.blockDim.y + delta_cols * 2
    height = cuda.blockDim.x + delta_rows * 2

    # Create shared array
    shared_array = cuda.shared.array(0, float32)
    mask_index = width * height

    if (cuda.threadIdx.x < mask.shape[0]) and (cuda.threadIdx.y < mask.shape[1]):
        shared_array[mask_index + cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.threadIdx.y * mask.shape[0]] = mask[cuda.threadIdx.x, cuda.threadIdx.y]

    # Fill shared array
    # Each thread fills four cells of the array
    row_corner = cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.blockIdx.x - delta_rows
    col_corner = cuda.blockDim.y * cuda.blockIdx.y - delta_cols
    even_idx_x = 2 * cuda.threadIdx.x
    even_idx_y = 2 * cuda.threadIdx.y
    odd_idx_x = even_idx_x + 1
    odd_idx_y = even_idx_y + 1
    for idx_x in (even_idx_x, odd_idx_x):
        if idx_x < height:
            for idx_y in (even_idx_y, odd_idx_y):
                if idx_y < width:
                    point = (row_corner + idx_x, col_corner + idx_y)
                    if (point[0] >= 0) and (point[1] >= 0) and (point[0] < image_rows) and (point[1] < image_cols):
                        shared_array[idx_x + idx_y * height] = image[point]
                        shared_array[idx_x + idx_y * height] = float32(0)

    # The result at coordinates (i, j) is equal to
    # sum_{k, l} mask[k, l] * image[threadIdx.x - k + 2 * delta_rows,
    #                               threadIdx.y - l + 2 * delta_cols]
    # with k and l going through the whole mask array:
    s = float32(0)
    for k in range(mask.shape[0]):
        for l in range(mask.shape[1]):
            i_k = cuda.threadIdx.x - k + mask.shape[0] - 1
            j_l = cuda.threadIdx.y - l + mask.shape[1] - 1
            s += shared_array[mask_index + k + l * mask.shape[0]] * shared_array[i_k + j_l * height]

    if (i < image_rows) and (j < image_cols):
        result[i, j] = s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read image
    full_image = rgb2gray( / 255
    image = full_image[150:350, 200:400].copy()

    # We preallocate the result array:
    result = np.empty_like(image)

    # We choose a random mask of size 13x13:
    mask = np.random.rand(13, 13).astype(np.float32)
    mask /= mask.sum()  # We normalize the mask

    # We use blocks of 32x32 pixels:
    blockdim = (32, 32)

    # We compute grid dimensions big enough to cover the whole image:
    griddim = (image.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1,
               image.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1)

    # We use the default stream:
    stream = 0

    # We compute the size of shared memory to allocate:
    smem_size = ((blockdim[0] + mask.shape[0] - 1)
                 * (blockdim[1] + mask.shape[1] - 1)
                 + mask.size) * image.itemsize

    # We apply our convolution to our image:
    smem_convolve[griddim, blockdim, stream, smem_size](result, mask, image)

    # We check that the error with respect to Scipy convolve function is small:
    scipy_result = scipy_convolve(image, mask, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    max_rel_error = np.max(np.abs(result - scipy_result) / np.abs(scipy_result))
    if  max_rel_error > 1e-5:
        raise AssertionError('Maximum relative error w.r.t Scipy convolve is too large: ' 
                             + max_rel_error)
!nvprof python
==3695== NVPROF is profiling process 3695, command: python
==3695== Profiling application: python
==3695== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   52.25%  60.193us         1  60.193us  60.193us  60.193us  cudapy::__main__::smem_convolve$241(Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>)
                   24.86%  28.640us         3  9.5460us     768ns  14.080us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
                   22.89%  26.368us         3  8.7890us     704ns  12.832us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   98.39%  112.00ms         1  112.00ms  112.00ms  112.00ms  cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
                    0.44%  505.33us         1  505.33us  505.33us  505.33us  cuLinkCreate
                    0.31%  351.68us         3  117.23us  12.925us  205.54us  cuMemAlloc
                    0.18%  200.69us         1  200.69us  200.69us  200.69us  cuModuleLoadDataEx
                    0.17%  196.92us         1  196.92us  196.92us  196.92us  cuLinkAddData
                    0.12%  138.55us         1  138.55us  138.55us  138.55us  cuLinkComplete
                    0.11%  128.88us         1  128.88us  128.88us  128.88us  cuMemGetInfo
                    0.10%  114.29us         3  38.097us  13.713us  56.437us  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.10%  108.52us         3  36.171us  14.860us  52.672us  cuMemcpyHtoD
                    0.04%  41.976us         1  41.976us  41.976us  41.976us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.03%  32.051us         1  32.051us  32.051us  32.051us  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  3.2530us         5     650ns     465ns  1.0670us  cuFuncGetAttribute
                    0.00%  2.7730us         3     924ns     360ns  1.5160us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%  1.8600us         1  1.8600us  1.8600us  1.8600us  cuCtxPushCurrent
                    0.00%  1.6280us         2     814ns     683ns     945ns  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  1.5500us         1  1.5500us  1.5500us  1.5500us  cuModuleGetFunction
                    0.00%  1.3360us         3     445ns     414ns     502ns  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.00%     841ns         1     841ns     841ns     841ns  cuDeviceComputeCapability
                    0.00%     816ns         1     816ns     816ns     816ns  cuLinkDestroy
!nvprof --quiet --export-profile python
!nvprof --quiet --metrics all --events all -o python

We saw in this Part that by using shared memory, we can get a \(10\times\) speed improvement for our convolution kernel. Using shared memory is often key to big performance improvements!

This is the end of our Introduction to CUDA. There are still many technical details to understand to fully use the potential of a GPU. However, using only the few basics presented here should already allow to write kernels that outperform a CPU for highly parallel tasks.